Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I just finished my first attempt at cleaning the grout between the bathroom tiles. Our bathroom is a darker charcoal gray (Sherwin William's Pewter Grey to be exact), so contrast with the white tile and white trim is important to my vision. I know, I'm crazy.

Anyways, I found this post on the blog Accessorize and Organize about cleaning grout. I followed the instructions of combining 3/4 baking soda and 1/4 bleach. My bathroom is pretty small so I was able to use the solution on the entire bathroom (barely). I bought a cheap toothbrush from the grocery store, and looking back I wish I had sprung for a better brand with a more durable brush (oh well!). After scrubbing it onto the grout - empahsizing on the parts that needed a little extra work, I followed the instructions for about 10 minutes.

My results weren't as great as I had hoped but below are the before and after pictures of my first attempt. Does anybody else have any tips or tricks?

 BEFORE                                                                       AFTER
BEFORE                                                                        AFTER

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