Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Mantle

Sorry it's been awhile! I just haven't felt like anything has been post-worthy. We've been doing a lot of little projects but everything matters to a house right? So here's the first little project I've started - decorating the mantle in the family room.
Below is the progression of our family room. Slowly but surely we've been working on the fireplace.

I just want to take a moment to note how AWESOMELY CLEAN the fireplace looks in the third picture. I literally swoon (thank goodness for finding Quick N' Brite at our local state fair!) over it.

Anyways, I've never been very good at figuring out what to put on mantles. I find them to be quite difficult so I'm sure what I have now will change. Below is one of the small projects we did - furthering updating the mantle decor:

I bought the candle holders from Target. The "Scatter Joy" print I made on the computer in a simple word document. I couldn't find anything that I LOVED to put in the frame - so this is a good placeholder for now.

Here's what I still need to complete the vision:
  • A tall vase for between the candles and frames - perhaps with some cheery yellow flowers
  • Greenery to put next to the 2 picture frames - to add some contrast to the hard line
Clearly another update will be coming! I promise it won't be so long this time!

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