Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

At first I was tempted to just do a regular blog post about our last night project, but Thanksgiving seems to be an after-thought more and more. So I'd like to take the time to give thanks.
For God and his many blessings. He truly has given me everything I am thankful for. Without Him I would not be as strong or wise or kind. There is a peace in knowing Him and knowing that He has plans for you. I am so thankful for His compassion and love, as well as all the people and things and moments his has given me.
For my job. As so many people struggle to maintain employment, or even find it, I am so thankful for my job. While it may not always be glamourous, I am always thankful to have it. To be able to help support Mike and I. And I have met some pretty amazing people through my job; I am very blessed to laugh as much as I work.
For our house. As we've started this journey of making our house into a home, I now know why people calling it "nesting." This is my safe place. The place where I am most comfortable. Where I can surround myself with things I love. I can't describe the amount of pride I have when I walk around our house and see the things Mike and I have done together. I'm quite in awe (of him mostly) of the things we've accomplished. I'm so thankful we've been blessed to have a nest (ah, that rhymed!) of our own!
For my family. No matter how crazy they may be, they are so kind and supportive and loving. My dad is my rock, answering all my ridiculous questions - from how to make eggs (I'll pause for your laughter) to giving me directions to a place he's never been. He is the most amazing dad. And my mom and brother, I will ever be thankful for God putting them in my life. The more I grow into my own person, the more I realize the strength that my mom has passed onto me. And I am so grateful to be able to grow up alongside my brother and share our journeys together.
For my husband. I know Mike is my family, but he's so important to my life that he deserved his own space. I am so lucky to simply have known hi, and the sweet, strong, amazing man that he is; sometimes I can't even fathom that I get to share my life with him. How awesome is that?! Mike has made me a better person in every way. I see his unwavering faith in God, so with that mine has multiplied. I see his collected calm, nature and I try to emulate. I trust myself more because of his support and encouragement. I am so thankful for his patience. I am so thankful for his drive (especially when one of our DIY-projects has gone awry). I am so thankful for every moment I am blessed by this man's presence (especially when we dance in the kitchen while making dinner - that's one of my favorites).
For my friends. Probably the only people who read this blog. I am beyond thankful for you. You are my partners in crime. You are the ones that make me laugh until my stomach hurts. You are the thoughtful people that make me see how beautiful the world can be. You are the wonderful people that accept my faults even when I don't deserve it. You are witty and smart and kind-hearted. You're just awesome. Thank you (And if I don't know you, and you read my blog - too late - I consider you a friend because you've joined me on this journey!)
So I hope each and everyone one of you take the time to be thankful and acknolwedge those in your life. I appreciate every single one of you! Happy Thanksgiving!

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