Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Live wires are NOT appealing

We've been living with live wires in our family room for awhile. This is because the previous owners had speakers on the wall and then chose to take them with. Fine by me. But that left us with live wires. See?

So this weekend many weekends ago because we've been busy, we finally got around to hanging up flush mount speakers. We don't have a sound system but we'll have speakers for when that happens at least!

We bought the speakers at Menard's for $30. First, Mike traced the template around the existing wires and holes.

Then he used a drywall knife to cut through. This is when we realized a small problem. The previous owners had put a small 2"x4" between the wall studs. We assume they were planning on hanging speakers on it (except they never did; they ended up making huge holes in the wall with drywall hooks - sweet job, Old Home Owners).

To solve this problem, Mike had to use a drill to make a row of holes in the wood. Then he used his saw to cut out the wood. With this process, Mike took out the excess insulation as well.

After getting the wood and insulation out, and the rest of the whole cut out, Mike was able to slip the speaker frame into the wall.

After this, Mike connected the wires hanging from the wall to the speaker wires. I wasn't here to witness this, but hopefully it was all in the directions!

With the speaker in place, install the cover and frame. The night before, I painted both to match the wall paint. So now it looks like this!

We love the result - I'm so excited! No more live wires!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tis the Season!

I know I haven't updated in a bit but we've been preparing for Christmas. It's the craziest, most wonderful time of the year! Because I work in retail, it's even crazier. But I love the cold (I'm one of the few) and I love the cheer and the corny movies (which Mike is sighing about in the background). I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT CHRISTMAS. I should most importantly say, I love it because it's a great reminder of the God's love. Through his grace alone are we saved. How great Thou truly art!

Since we live in a tri-level, I told Mike I wanted needed two Christmas trees - one for the front window and one for the family room. You just NEED to have one next to the fireplace (with my stockings that are hung with care)! Here are the pictures (don't mind that the tree by the fireplace isn't decorated - it is now!!)

And here's the house from the curb! As Mike's grandpa says, "How can people not find your house?! It's like a lighthouse!" I should update the picture (but it's cold out) because we lit up the big shrub by the front door too.
Weeeeee love it! Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Continuing the light theme

After hanging the pendant light in the kitchen, we also took on hanging up a different light fixture above the table. The one that came with house wasn't our style and didn't go with the updates in the kitchen. See....

To start - Mike got his hands on a light fixture that wasn't being used. So of course we put it to good use! Here's what it took to get it hanging:

1. Take down the current light fixture plate and pull the wires out of the hole. To pull the wires out of the hole (as in picture #3) I had to hold the light fixture while Mike pulled out the wires.

#2: Detach the light fixture wires from the ceiling wires. To do this, you take off the red caps. This is the where the wires twist together. Untwist the wires so it looks like the picture below (and don't lose the red caps!) Also make sure you're taking note of what wires connect with what.

#3: On the new light fixture, thread the tube along with the bracket and nuts through the wire. It should look like the picture below - but I'm sure for every light fixture there's a variance so read the directions!

#4: While one person holds the light fixture, the other needs to thread the wires through the bracket still on the ceiling. This was how our old light fixture was attached so we didn't install that ceiling bracket. You can see in the picture that the wires go up into the hole and back down.
#5: Connect the light fixture wires to the ceiling wires. Just as you detached the wires to begin with, you need to attach them again. Simply twist the corresponding wires to each other. This is where remembering the correct pairing of wires comes in handy. After you twist them together, put the red cap over the attachment.
#6: Push the wires back into the ceiling. It should look like the picture below (Make sure your wire connections are secure).

#7: Secure the light fixture plate to the ceiling. Ours secured with a screw, but again, I'm sure it depends on the light fixture.

#8: Enjoy!

Friday, November 23, 2012

And then there was light!

I've been wanting a pendant light over the kitchen sink for some time now. It's a very bare area (patiently awaiting the arrival of the bamboo shade I have my heart set on), which I don't have a good picture of. What you can't see, is that above the window there is just bare wall until the ceiling. No shade, no decor. Nothing.

So when Mike was able to get his hands on a pendant light that I can definately live with for awhile - we set to it (two months later).

I would have a step-by-step for you but Mike started before I got home. What I've concluded he did was by a kit at Home Depot to convert our recessed light. Then he followed the directions of installing it, which is when I got home. Here's what it looked like:

After this step, Mike shortened the wires of the pendant light to fit the length we wanted.

Then he connected the wires from the light to the wires hanging from the ceiling. He capped each connection off with a cap. (Sorry for the blurry picture - he wouldn't stop working!)

Then use the screws to secure it in place

And wah-lah! A brand new light fixture for our kitchen! Isn't it pretty! (And yes, we were doing this in the dark...)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

At first I was tempted to just do a regular blog post about our last night project, but Thanksgiving seems to be an after-thought more and more. So I'd like to take the time to give thanks.
For God and his many blessings. He truly has given me everything I am thankful for. Without Him I would not be as strong or wise or kind. There is a peace in knowing Him and knowing that He has plans for you. I am so thankful for His compassion and love, as well as all the people and things and moments his has given me.
For my job. As so many people struggle to maintain employment, or even find it, I am so thankful for my job. While it may not always be glamourous, I am always thankful to have it. To be able to help support Mike and I. And I have met some pretty amazing people through my job; I am very blessed to laugh as much as I work.
For our house. As we've started this journey of making our house into a home, I now know why people calling it "nesting." This is my safe place. The place where I am most comfortable. Where I can surround myself with things I love. I can't describe the amount of pride I have when I walk around our house and see the things Mike and I have done together. I'm quite in awe (of him mostly) of the things we've accomplished. I'm so thankful we've been blessed to have a nest (ah, that rhymed!) of our own!
For my family. No matter how crazy they may be, they are so kind and supportive and loving. My dad is my rock, answering all my ridiculous questions - from how to make eggs (I'll pause for your laughter) to giving me directions to a place he's never been. He is the most amazing dad. And my mom and brother, I will ever be thankful for God putting them in my life. The more I grow into my own person, the more I realize the strength that my mom has passed onto me. And I am so grateful to be able to grow up alongside my brother and share our journeys together.
For my husband. I know Mike is my family, but he's so important to my life that he deserved his own space. I am so lucky to simply have known hi, and the sweet, strong, amazing man that he is; sometimes I can't even fathom that I get to share my life with him. How awesome is that?! Mike has made me a better person in every way. I see his unwavering faith in God, so with that mine has multiplied. I see his collected calm, nature and I try to emulate. I trust myself more because of his support and encouragement. I am so thankful for his patience. I am so thankful for his drive (especially when one of our DIY-projects has gone awry). I am so thankful for every moment I am blessed by this man's presence (especially when we dance in the kitchen while making dinner - that's one of my favorites).
For my friends. Probably the only people who read this blog. I am beyond thankful for you. You are my partners in crime. You are the ones that make me laugh until my stomach hurts. You are the thoughtful people that make me see how beautiful the world can be. You are the wonderful people that accept my faults even when I don't deserve it. You are witty and smart and kind-hearted. You're just awesome. Thank you (And if I don't know you, and you read my blog - too late - I consider you a friend because you've joined me on this journey!)
So I hope each and everyone one of you take the time to be thankful and acknolwedge those in your life. I appreciate every single one of you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Our First Trip to Ikea!

I know - most of you probably let out a small gasp. We've never been to Ikea! As much as Mike is a DIY, put-it-together kind of man and as much as I like to shop, it's practically a sin. So we planned a trip to get a new couch!

But before I go into the details of that I'd first like to share some snapshots of the AWESOME things Ikea has to offer (by things I realize, I mean light fixtures because that's the only thing I apparently wanted to take pictures of)

Okay, now that I've drooled over all that beautiful-ness, let's get on to the couch! Here's a picture progression of the room/couch

Can you tell we worked WAY into the night? I realize I'm not in any of these pictures - and it's not because I wasn't helping. Rather it was because I chose to paint the legs of the couch.... SEE:

I did primer (Zinser's again) and 3 coats of the same paint we used for the bathroom cabinets. I also taped off the bottom just in case because I didn't want any excess paint to stick to the carpet and/or rug.

Here's another view of the couch and the fun leaf-print pillow I got from Ikea for only $12.99 (consider my mind blown)! And yes, I'm fully aware how bare my walls are - yuck!

Now onto my next project - a new rug AND coffee/side table .....and yes, wall decor.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Insert the Clean Up Song Here

I love cleaning - it may be clinical how much I love clean spaces. I aim to make my house clutter free (to which all my friends with children laugh at my future anxiety levels). It's probably why I love our white kitchen so much. However, I HATE our white porcelain sink. It gets black marks so easily from our pans and other large dishes we wash.

So while wandering through Bed, Bath and Beyond I found Bar Keeper's Friend. It is WONDERFUL. Here's before:

And here's after:

I know this is a lame post about cleaning - BUT I WAS JUST SO EXCITED! So bare with me please.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Decorating - My Favorite!

Another project we can check off our list is finding wall decor for above the couch in the living room. I love decorating - like the painting was great, the new floors are beautiful - but I just love the small details! Below shows the progression of this room:


So this is how the room has been - that back wall just waiting for some decor. It's especially bland when you look in from the street (and since we have no blinds yet, you can do so quite easily). All along I've wanted big frames with extreme matting - like gallery frames.

I've been looking around everywhere trying to find some without breaking the bank. So while wandering around Target - yes, I'm fully aware I'm obessed - I found them! at only $22 a piece! Now my only problem was figuring out what to frame. I didn't want to do more wedding pictures - soon our house will be wallpapered in them if I'm not careful.

So then because I'm such a lyrics person (they make the song!) I printed out lyrics with lessons.

I chose 3 different lyrics:
  1. "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometime you might just find you get what you need" -The Rolling Stones, You Can't Always Get What You Want
  2. "Be a best friend, tell the truth, overuse I love. Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense. Never let your prayin' knees get lazy, and love like crazy." -Lee Brice, Love Like Crazy
  3. "Here comes the sun, and I say, it's alright." -The Beatles.
And here they are (And I say, it's alright!!)