Sunday, September 9, 2012


I say "painting" with excitement for this post, instead of my new-found disdain because of the ridiculous amount of painting Mike and I took on in our first 2 weeks. That's because this time it's painting on canvas! Not sure if I've shared this, but I love art and paint when I have the spare time. Lately, I haven't had so much spare time because of the house - but I made time this weekend so our bare walls can finely start becoming cluttered with art and pictures and other items I love.

For this project, I bought a 4'x5' canvas at Michael's (of course with a coupon). I already have an obscene amount of acrylic paint so I was set with that. The funny part of this shopping excursion? Well, I may have over-estimated the size of our 4-door Camry (even though Mike had warned me). We tried the side doors first - taller than the car. Then we tried the trunk - only about 1/4 of the canvas fit in. That's when I got that "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do" (c'mon I Love Lucy reference) look from Mike. Ergo, Mike had to go pick up his parent's truck while I sat around at Michael's with my over sized canvas. And in case you were wondering, while walking back to Michael's unattended with the canvas, I literally looked like a canvas with legs since I am as tall as the canvas. And it was windy. Awesome, right?

Anyways, the canvas made it home safely. And I went to town. I painted - whited out. I painted again - whited out. I painted again. And finally liked it - here are the final results of what our living room looks like now.


I'm so pleased with how it looks! I finally feel like it's not just a room with furniture. It's becoming part of our home. Along with the painting this weekend, I picked up that plant in the far corner (from Michael's on sale for only $17!) and this bowl on the coffee table from TJ Maxx for only $10. I love the stripes and funky shape!

The decorative balls are tiny globes - awesome! I have a thing for globes/maps. I picked them up at Kirkland's awhile ago. They've just been waiting for their place.

All in all, the room is coming together. We still need to get a lamp for the far right corner (there are no ceiling lights in this room; only right by the front door) and a couple big framed pictures for above the couch. Oh, and we may also make a small end table similar to the coffee table. But for now, I like to sit in there and look around like a pleased mom.

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