Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Long Pause

Sorry for the long pause of posts. I may have accidently killed our computer. Sneaky little viruses! I can type, just no pictures - which doesn't really work for this kind of blog. So once we get a new computer I have a backlog of fireplace facelifts, staining our bathroom cabinets, building a coffee table, etc.

For now, though, you'll get my thoughts on our progress. It's crazy to think we just moved in a little under 6 weeks ago. The projects we've been able to accomplish together have been astounding! And I've found that as Mike and I have worked together, we've grown together. We understand each other better and have become a better team in the process. It's wonderful being able to look around and see the work you've done (literally blood, sweat, and tears). It's even more amazing to know that you worked alongside your best friend, your husband, your partner in crime. This is probably what people with children feel like - but for now we have a house that has become our baby. And if Mike and I can do this with only minor hiccups and (my) melt-downs, I would say we're off to a pretty great start!

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