Monday, July 15, 2013


I know it's been a ridiculously long time since my last post, but it's because we've been going through the process of selling our house! I know what you all must be thinking - we're crazy! I thought so too when Mike brought up the idea. But after a couple debates and spreadsheets (of course) and running the numbers, we (I) realized that we could make a sizable profit on our house. This is just due to the mainly cosmetic updates that we've done in the past year.

So we dialed up our realtor and got in listed. It was such a whirlwind after that!

Tuesday, May 21th: put the For Sale sign up We had planned to have an open house the Saturday before, but of course I got sick and we had to cancel. So for about a week, our house sat unlisted (by that on mean on MLS and other common house hunting websites).

Friday, May 24th: First showing! (Pre-listing) We were so excited! We hadn't even listed it yet or had an open house! However, it turned out to be the past owners wanting to get a sneak peak. I don't blame them but I do wish they had disclosed this to us before walking through. Clearly no sale.

Saturday, May 25th: Open House (Pre-listing) A few couples walked through along with a couple neighbors. We had one couple that was interested but not seriously.

Sunday, May 26th: Officially listed our house This is when our realtor's phone started ringing. We had a couple walk through that Sunday afternoon, and one other scheduled for early afternoon on Monday.

Monday, May 27th: Five showings and an offer! We started the morning with only one showing scheduled, and it ended up being a total of five scheduled for the day by 10AM. At 4PM, I received a call from Mike. We had gotten an offer and it expired tonight at midnight! It was crazy and exciting and totally threw me for a loop. I had figured we'd have at least a couple months of no activity after the initial excitement wore down. An offer less than 24 hours after officially listing?! CRAZY.

Monday, May 27th (10PM): Accepted Offer! We were blown away by this and quickly went into the next phase. He scheduled an inspector within the next couple days (we passed with a couple minor things including fixing a broken screen door and mudjacking credit for the walkway), and an appraisal.

The appraisal is where it got hairy. In total, we ended up having 3 appraisals done on our house and he switched lenders. The first appraiser was unprofessional and untimely. So the report was hard to follow and made the underwrite (the loan approver, as I call them) ask for a second appraisal. The second appraiser (the one we ended up going with at the different lender) came through for us in a pinch and was able to do a 48 hour turnaround. The third appraisal was thrown out (but still done) becuase it was for the original lender.

July 29th: Appraisal/financing approved We didn't start packing until a week before we moved because we weren't even sure we would be moving because of the appraisal craziness! You can imagine how frazzeled my planner nature was at this point.

July 3rd: Moved out of the house The majority of our things were out of the house at this point. We moved out early because all our movers (family) clearly had plans on the 4th.

July 5th: SOLD! It's crazy to think this was all done in only a little over 6 weeks after deciding to sell.

In the next post, I'll show you our listing pictures. They were done by an amazing photographer and I loved how they turned out. And then we'll get into the exciting part - the new house!

Stay tuned!

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