Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blinded By the Light!

I had to make the song reference. It's so much more fun than "Blinds." I'm sorry for the delay in posts. Christmas came around and the house project money turned into gift money. Alas, we stopped updating for a bit. And we were just busy, people!

Anyways, we're back at it again! We finally got blinds! You may be wondering how we've been living without them, and I'll tell you. Downstairs in the family room they didn't seem to matter because it's pretty private. Upstairs ...well, we scamper. But nooooww we don't have to!

I have no tutorial because Mike installed all these as a surprise! All I've got is a Before & After (and we know how I live for those!)

Upstairs Living Room - BEFORE:
 Upstairs Living Room - AFTER:

(We had to wait for the sun to go down to take a picture of blinds. Too much light! Haha - literally BLINDED BY THE LIGHT! I know, I'm a cheeseball).

Downstairs Family Room - BEFORE:
Downstairs Family Room - AFTER:
OH! And do you see my new mantle decor! Slowly but surely I will decorate this large room! And I realize I haven't shared any pictures of our new ottoman (Christmas gift! Woohoo!) so here you go:
All we need now is wall decor. And a new rug. And another chair. And And And!! Until then...