Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sink Installation!

So for Christmas, Mike and I asked for new faucets. I think that makes us officially old because we asked for a practical thing. Along with the faucet, Mike and I got a gift card for Home Depot - we know some great givers! So we decided to get a new sink/countertop since we were already installing a new faucet. If most of you are like me, you're already saying "JUST SHOW ME THE BEFORE AND AFTER" so here's a sneak peak:

First, Mike unscrewed the original faucet and pulled it out. (Oh, I guess TECHNICALLY, first Mike turned off the water and disconnected the pipes underneath. But I didn't watch that part because of the stress of a potential waterfall in my bathroom.)

Look at all that copper! We're stock piling it from all our home projects to eventually take to the scrap yard to get a little extra dough (aka more house project money).
Next, Mike unscrewed the rest of the old countertop once the faucet was out. There was a little adhesive as well, so Mike had to put a little muscle into it.
(You can kind of see the towel that was there just in case of a flood. Thankfully it stayed dried!) Before the next step, Mike painted the walls since the new counter didn't exactly match up to the old one.
Here's a view of the countertop laid down. Mike used liquid nails to secure it to the cabinet base. I clearly missed this step in my picture documentation.
Next he installed the faucet (we just followed the package instructions). If you notice, the right side of the countertop doesn't have a side splash. We had to buy this separately.
Had to - here's a closeup of the faucet. So shiny and pretty and clean and new!
 I also missed the installation of the side splash because Mike did it while I was at work as a surprise. But he used caulk to secure it against the wall and to attach to the countertop and backsplash. We were lucky that the countertop was the same color as the caulk so it blended nicely. Mike also painted the caulk that adhered the side splash to the wall with our wall color so it wasn't noticable. He did a great job in my opinion! Don't you think? Before and after again
It's a subtle difference in pictures but makes a huge step towards updating the bathroom!

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